
Webinar Recap: A Brief History of PBCore

This is the first post in a series about the PBCore webinar that the Education Team presented in October 2014. A recording of the webinar can be found here, and we’ll be recapping the event over the next few weeks.  The webinar began with a brief history of PBCore, which is outlined here. PBCore began […]

PBCore: A How-to and Why-to Webinar | Recording from 10/23/2014

On October 23, 2014, the AMIA PBCore Advisory Subcommittee’s Education Team offered a webinar titled “PBCore: A How-to and Why-to Webinar.” Geared toward archivists, librarians, and anyone who has audiovisual collections at their institutions, the presenters offered contextual background; explained the benefits and reasons why PBCore is perfectly suited for managing audiovisual collections; offered step-by-step […]

PBCore Handout & New PBCore XML Examples

The PBCore Advisory Subcommittee’s Communications Team has created a handout for people considering using PBCore at their institutions. Feel free to download the pdf and share it with your colleagues as you begin to consider options for managing metadata about audiovisual materials in your collections. Additionally, Education Team member Morgan Oscar Morel has created several […]

Continue to provide PBCore feedback through GitHub issues!

As the PBCore committee analyzes data coming from our survey (thank you, community!) we wanted to take a moment to let you know how we’ll be tracking community feedback going forward  – we welcome and encourage your continued input! In a short few steps, you can sign up for a account and submit “issues” […]