7.9.10 – NOTE: This post no longer valid. Join the listserv here.
Many of you have already joined the PBCore Listserv. We now have a new dedicated listserv group that is specifically devoted to the questions, comments, and advice of those who are actually using the PBCore metadata dictionary, or who are about to implement it.
The regular PBCore Listserv will continue as a way to communicate announcements and updates on the overall PBCore project.
The new PBCore User Group Listserv is intended as a forum for PBCore users to share successes, ask for help when stuck, find inspiration in the way others are implementing PBCore technology, and help others avoid the hurdles that some have already experienced and overcome.
We expect to expand the capabilities of our virtual PBCore User Group by creating threaded discussions that will batch together questions, comments, and answers related to common themes and concerns. These will of course be searchable discussions, thus creating a knowledge base for our PBCore Community of Practice.
- To join…
Send an e-mail message directly to the following automated listserv subscription
service imailsrv@lists.ket.org-
In the “message body” of your e-mail, simply type
subscribe pbcore-users your_email_address
The subject line of messages sent from the PBCore User Group Listerv are marked with the phrase [pbcore-users].
- To post messages…
Address your message to the listserv’s e-mail address…
You now have the ability to send attachments with your posts to the listserv. We thought it important that specific documents and resources should be shared and viewed by all the subscribers.
Please to not send requests to subscribe or unsubscribe with the discussion list’s e-mail address.
- To unsubscribe…
Send an e-mail message directly from the subscribed account to the following automated listserv subscription service…
In the “message body ” of your e-mail , simply type…
unsubscribe pbcore-users
Please do not send requests to unsubscribe to the listserv with the discussion list’s e-mail address.
User Group participation is completely voluntary, but affords access to a vast think-tank of PBCore users and movers.
PBCore heartily extends its appreciation to Janine Hempy and KET: Kentucky Educational Television for hosting our new PBCore User Group Listserv.
The PBCore Project is administered by the Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family National Center for Accessible Media at WGBH (NCAM). Initial PBCore development, advocacy and training is funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
FYI, the email address for subscribing to the User Group listserv is not a valid address. Missing an “_”?