New listserv for PBCore: Google Group PBCore-Talk

Check out our listserv, PBCore Talk!

PBCore Talk web address:
PBCore Talk email address:

- Anybody can view group content
- Only members can view group members list
- Anyone can join
- Only members can post

We hope this new platform will be a great venue to continue to share information and resources about PBCore and its continued use and development.

Join the PBCore Listserv

To subscribe (if you have an account with Google): navigate to Please contact us with any questions.

To subscrive (if you do not have an account with Google):  navigate to[your-email-here]

To post a message: send a message to

To switch to digest mode: go to the PBCore-Talk Google Group site and click on “edit my membership,” select “digest email” and then “save these settings.”

To unsubscribe: go to the PBCore-Talk Google Group site and click on “edit my membership,” select “unsubscribe.”

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