
PBCore is a metadata standard designed to describe media, both digital and analog. The PBCore XML Schema Definition (XSD) defines the structure and content of PBCore.

Current version
Previous versions

Current version

PBCore 2.0 XSD (February 2011) | Graphical view
PBCore 2.0 was developed by WGBH Educational Foundation in collaboration with Audio Visual Preservation Solutions, Digital Dawn and several reviewers. Read more about in “Introducing PBCore 2.0.” Funding for PBCore 2.0 was provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Previous versions

PBCore 1.3 XSD (August 2010) | Graphical view
PBCore 1.2.1 XSD (February 2009) | Graphical view
PBCore 1.1 XSD (October 2007) | Graphical view

3 responses to “Schema”

  1. Introducing PBCore 2.0 | PBCore

    [...] and ConditionsSchemaPrivacy PolicyVocabularies Browse: Home / Community, News, Training, XSD / Introducing PBCore [...]

  2. PBCore on GitHub is now public | PBCore

    [...] and ConditionsSchemaPrivacy PolicyVocabularies Browse: Home / Change Request, News / PBCore on GitHub is now [...]

  3. Public Broadcasting | Who's Your Metadaddy?

    [...] am a pretty big fan of public broadcasting which is why I decided to do my presentation on PBCore. I thought it might be a good idea to find out some of the issues surrounding public broadcasting, [...]