How do the PBCore elements map to other metadata dictionaries and schemas?
In our PBCore User Guide ( we provide 15 entries related to the mapping of PBCore elements to other metadata systems. Some of these documents we have authored from scratch. Others are documents generously provided by other librarians, information science researchers, public broadcasting entities, and long-time participants in the PBCore Metadata Dictionary Project.
In some cases, actual mappings are still being vetted and refined, but will be posted as soon as they are “green lighted.” You will notice that some mappings are not strictly about PBCore, such as the Dublin Core crosswalk to MPEG-7 and MARC 21. We have included these seminal works because they act as bridging documents for future PBCore comparisons and mappings.
PBCore is specifically mapped in detail for both Dublin Core and IEEE LOM Learning Object Metadata (where you will find over a dozen elements related to the integration and utilization of media items in educational settings).
A background section provides context to the intricacies of harmonizing different metadata dictionaries with each other, explaining how and why element pairings are not always perfect.
To further discuss PBCore Element Mappings & Crosswalks, we highly recommend joining the PBCore User Group Community ( and sharing your questions and experiences there in the threaded discussions and listserv.