With the release of the PBCore Cataloging Tool, a QuickStart Guide was posted to the PBCore website. This Guide has been greatly expanded and in essence has become your User Guide to the PBCore Cataloging Tool.
The updated guide provides step-by-step instructions on using the Cataloging Tool, how to enter metadata, how to create User Accounts, making reports and print-outs, how to modify picklists, and the steps to both import and export XML metadata that complies with the PBCore XSD (XML Schema Definition).
Don’t just start poking around the buttons and layouts of the Cataloging Tool. Reference the QuickStart Guide for easy reading and rapid instructions. A Table of Contents is included in the Guide.
This QuickStart Guide provides instructions for both the Standard version of the PBCore Cataloging Tool (requires FileMaker Pro) as well as the Runtime versions (stand-alone, no application software required).
Duplicating a metadata record is now possible! One of the frequently asked updates to the Cataloging Tool is the ability to duplicate an individual record and then modify the duplicate to reflect only minor changes in the metadata descriptions. This is helpful when the intellectual content remains the same, but the formats (instantiation) or the intellectual property rights are the only adjustments in the data record.
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