Kentucky Educational Television was part of the PBCore Test Implementation Phase and became an early adopter of our metadata dictionary. KET has embarked on a project to preserve and digitize its archives of video documenting Kentucky’s history in order to ensure that this treasure trove of cultural, historical, biographical, educational and public affairs programming is available for years to come. Read the press release with the link below. An upcoming article is to be published by TV Technology.
Flyer Announcing PBCore Version 1.0 Release: “Shhh…It’s Time to Listen to your Inner Librarian”
Here’s the last version of our flyer, “Shhhh…It’s time to listen to your inner librarian.” It announces the impending launch of the PBCore Metadata Dictionary, version 1.0.
Summary Report for the PBMD Test Implementations of the PBCore
Alan Baker (Test Implementation Phase Director), Marcia Brooks, (PBMD Project Director)
There was a sincere belief by all participants in the Test Implementation Phase that their organization, and public broadcasting at large, needs something like the PBCore to be widely available, and in use by a majority of public broadcasters, if they are going to be able to capitalize on opportunities in the future. These opportunities range from simple labor cost savings to new business opportunities.
Also, because broadcasters have not had affordable Digital Asset Management solutions available to them, many have delayed acting to solve pressing problems related to storage and handling of their content, especially that material which is born digital and resides on production and broadcast servers. This delay created a situation where many broadcasters are in critical need for solutions that will enable them to share content with their production and distribution partners, as well as help ease the burden on their current digital production, broadcast, and archive systems.
Summary Report for the PBMD Request for Comments Surveys for PBCore
Steven R. Vedro (RFC Phase Director), Marcia Brooks, (PBMD Project Director), Paul E. Burrows and Eric R. Carlson (RFC Survey Instruments)
Beginning in January 2002 a team of public broadcasting station and national network representatives and invited guest experts worked to develop a draft metadata dictionary for public broadcasting. This effort, managed by WGBH/Boston under a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, resulted in a draft “Public Broadcasting Core Metadata Elements Dictionary” completed by the project’s “Dictionary Team” in January of 2004. Controlled vocabulary “refinements” for each of the metadata elements were completed on February 27th and 28th.
Immediately following this activity, a Request for Comments (RFC) process was started. The RFC activities consisted of three data-collection rounds:
- A preliminary survey of the “usefulness” of each of the PBCore Dictionary element definitions and refinements/vocabularies was conducted from February 4-10, 2004. Seventeen (17) members of the PBCore Dictionary Working Group were invited to participate; three (3) reviewed the survey questions and made general comments, and ten (10) members completed the full survey.
- A larger group of thirty-two (32) invited respondents and five (5) additional Working Group members (37 total) took the full survey between February 16 and March 1st; and
- A small group of nine (9) “metadata experts” from the library science, national standards, and media indexing and archivist communities extended their comments via an “open-ended” survey. They were also asked a number of questions relating to the “philosophy” of metadata schemas that could inform the work of the team asked to update and maintain the “PBCore.”
PBMD RFC Invitation to Participate in the Surveys | PBMD RFC – Summary Report