PBCore Revision History
Having just published PBCore 2.0, we thought we’d summarize the evolution of the schema. Following is a timeline and summary of previous versions of PBCore. For new developments in 2.0, see Jack Brighton’s “Introducing PBCore 2.0″ post.
PBCore’s Next Steps Reviewed at 2006 PBS Technology Conference
With version 1.0 of the PBCore metadata dictionary published via its website (http://pbcore.org), the project has moved into a new phase. Through the next 18-months, funded by CPB and managed by NCAM, the National Center for Accessible Media, PBCore will aggressively engage in advocacy, training, implementation, and support activites in order to build a “Community […]
PBCore Version 1.0 is Published!
The Working Groups for the Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary Project and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting are enthusiastically pleased to announce the the PBCore set of media descriptors, v1.0 is now published! The dictionary of metadata elements, their descriptions, and usage guidelines are ready for you to review in the PBCore User Guide. With the […]
Kentucky Educational Television Embraces PBCore in their Digital Archiving Project
Kentucky Educational Television was part of the PBCore Test Implementation Phase and became an early adopter of our metadata dictionary. KET has embarked on a project to preserve and digitize its archives of video documenting Kentucky’s history in order to ensure that this treasure trove of cultural, historical, biographical, educational and public affairs programming is […]

Flyer Announcing PBCore Version 1.0 Release: “Shhh…It’s Time to Listen to your Inner Librarian”
Here’s the last version of our flyer, “Shhhh…It’s time to listen to your inner librarian.” It announces the impending launch of the PBCore Metadata Dictionary, version 1.0. PBCoreFlyer