By pbcore on March 22, 2010
(Washington, DC) – - The Corporation for Public Broadcasting today announced the launch of the PBCore 2.0 Development Project.
The PBCore 2.0 Development Project will expand the existing PBCore metadata standard to increase the ability, on one hand, of content producers and distributors using digital media to classify and describe public media content (audio and video) and, on the other, of audiences to find public media content on a variety of digital media and mobile platforms.
The PBCore 2.0 Development Project will also work to enhance the PBCore standard to ensure that it will be able to satisfy the demands of multiplatform digital content as well as an evolving World Wide Web. Since PBCore’s development in 2005, it has become not only one of the most widely-used metadata standards in the world, but also the basis of other metadata standards. At the same time, in the last five years, the number of digital media applications that would benefit from PBCore has grown significantly. An updated PBCore will benefit not only public broadcasters, but all users of metadata standards based on PBCore.
PBCore 2.0 will be managed by WGBH, AudioVisual Preservation Solutions and Digital Dawn. For more information on the PBCore 2.0 Development Project, watch this space!
Posted in News, Redesign | Tagged homepage, News, pbcore2.0 |
By pbcore on September 30, 2009
As PBCore finds itself used in a multitude of settings, databases, media information systems, and organizations, it is appropriate to “Re-Reconnoiter” with the Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary, particularly with regard to the American Archive Pilot Project (AAPP). At the September 2009 conference, hosted by Oregon Public Broadcasting in Portland, Oregon, PBCore was re-visited, highlighting its origins, its purpose, how it can be applied, and what could be considered better practices in the use and abuse of metadata descriptions.
The goal of the American Archive Project is stated …
… to serve as a digital repository of content produced by public television and radio, and is designed to be used by the general public, educators, broadcasters and historians. It is both preservation and a distribution system, which shares the public service orientation and sensibility of the public broadcasting system.
The AAPP is a pilot project to develop a subset of historically relevant digitized television and radio content. The goal of the project is to help CPB identify the challenges and issues encountered in the digitization of public broadcasting content as it relates to the implementation of the full Archive, which could ultimately involve scores of thousands of hours of content – both programs and back up material – reaching back as many as seven decades.
Certainly metadata plays a pivotal role. In a Re-Reconnoiter of PBCore, Paul Burrows (Media Solutions, University of Utah) recalled the genesis of the metadata dictionary and joins with the participants in exploring how its well-researched and well-defined metadata elements can be applied in describing media items and in sharing those descriptions between different information systems.
Posted in Events, News | Tagged americanarchive, homepage, News |
By pbcore on February 27, 2009
WNET/Thirteen hereby releases the software of its PBCore Repository Project under the GPLv3 license ( The PBCore Record Repository is an online database tool built on Ruby on Rails, Sphinx search, and MYSQL that was created at WNET/Thirteen to facilitate the import, export, search, creation and modification of PBCore records according to the PBCore 1.2.1 standard (
For testing and evaluation a public installed version of the application can be found at
(For administrative testing log in as username=admin and password=secret)
This work employs PBCore. The PBCore (Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary) was created by the public broadcasting community in the United States of America for use by public broadcasters and others. Initial development funding for PBCore was provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The PBCore is built on the foundation of the Dublin Core (ISO 15836), an international standard for resource discovery (, and has been reviewed by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Usage Board. Copyright: 2005, Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
Further technical documentation can be found at this website…;a=blob;f=doc/README_FOR_APP;hb=HEAD
A current snapshot of the source code can be found at this website…;a=snapshot;h=HEAD;sf=tgz
This tool is under development and feedback is appreciated.
David Rice, Digital Media Archivist, WNET/Thirteen
Posted in News, Tools | Tagged cataloging, tool |
By pbcore on December 15, 2008
A portion of the original PBCore v1.1 metadata dictionary is changing into what will be known as PBCore v1.2. The justification for changes to the PBCore schema is to better accommodate the possibility that a media asset may have multiple instantiations, all the same except for technical attributes. Thus, metadata elements that describe a media asset as a whole still exist in v1.2; however, the different attributes associated with multiple instantiations are now “containerized” under a new container called the pbcoreEssenceTrack.
That’s quite a mouthful. To preview the differences between v1.1 and v1.2, visit our web page on the PBCore XML Schema Definition (XSD). Comparative diagrams and further narrative discussion is provided there in order to highlight what will be the next edition of PBCore. An updated version of the XSD is immediately available for download from the same web page. However, the documentation and User Guide for PBCore has not yet been updated throughout the overall PBCore website. Stay tuned for that adjustment.
Posted in News | Tagged pbcore1.2, XSD |
By pbcore on February 1, 2008
Jack Brighton is the Assistant Director of Broadcasting and Director of Internet Development at WILL Public Media, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he manages web site technology and content. At the February 19-23, 2008, Conference of the Integrated Media Association, Mr. Brighton hosted a presentation on PBCore as the metadata standard for public broadcasting stations. In his session he asked such questions as: What does this mean for you? What is the purpose of a metadata standard anyway, and why PBCore? The essentials of the PBCore standard and its XML schema were covered. References were made to a variety of resources and tools, including the free File Maker Pro-based PBCore cataloging utility. Brighton also demonstrated how to use a website Content Management System to create an online video library, complete with standards-compliant web pages, RSS/Atom feeds, and PBCore XML records for each media object.
Posted in Events | Tagged IMA |
By pbcore on January 2, 2008
With the release of the PBCore Cataloging Tool, a QuickStart Guide was posted to the PBCore website. This Guide has been greatly expanded and in essence has become your User Guide to the PBCore Cataloging Tool.
The updated guide provides step-by-step instructions on using the Cataloging Tool, how to enter metadata, how to create User Accounts, making reports and print-outs, how to modify picklists, and the steps to both import and export XML metadata that complies with the PBCore XSD (XML Schema Definition).
Don’t just start poking around the buttons and layouts of the Cataloging Tool. Reference the QuickStart Guide for easy reading and rapid instructions. A Table of Contents is included in the Guide.
This QuickStart Guide provides instructions for both the Standard version of the PBCore Cataloging Tool (requires FileMaker Pro) as well as the Runtime versions (stand-alone, no application software required).
Duplicating a metadata record is now possible! One of the frequently asked updates to the Cataloging Tool is the ability to duplicate an individual record and then modify the duplicate to reflect only minor changes in the metadata descriptions. This is helpful when the intellectual content remains the same, but the formats (instantiation) or the intellectual property rights are the only adjustments in the data record.
Posted in Tools | Tagged cataloging, tool |
By pbcore on January 1, 2008
The PBCore Cataloging Tool based on FileMaker Pro databases was made available for download earlier in 2007. The tool is a fully featured database file that complies with the PBCore metadata dictionary. It provides a PBCore compliant method for describing media assets and has direct links to the PBCore User Guide for assistance. The Tool also offers export and import of XML files of metadata that are based on the PBCore XSD (XML Schema Definition).
As a database file, the Tool required the user to purchase and install the actual FileMaker application in order to launch and run the Tool. We call this iteration of the Tool the Standard Version. The PBCore project has just made availabe the Tool’s Runtime Versions. The Runtime Versions do not require the FileMaker application. They are stand-alone, self-launching files and are available in two editions, one for the Macintosh and one for the Windows operating systems.
Duplicating a metadata record is now possible! One of the frequently asked updates to the Cataloging Tool is the ability to duplicate an individual record and then modify the duplicate to reflect only minor changes in the metadata descriptions. This is helpful when the intellectual content remains the same, but the formats (instantiation) or the intellectual property rights are the only adjustments in the data record.
The links to download these files are to be found at
Posted in Tools | Tagged cataloging, tool |
By pbcore on December 17, 2007
CURRENT is the publication about the public television and radio industry in the USA. In the December 17, 2007 issue, Marcia Brooks (project manager for the PBCore project during the last several years) writes about the PBCore Metadata Dictionary. The article updates us on the past, current, and future events surrounding PBCore and its usage across many different metadata communities.
Posted in News | Tagged News |
By pbcore on October 1, 2007
Need to catalog media items using the PBCore Metadata Dictionary?
From our PBCore User Guide ( you may now download the FileMaker Cataloging Tool along with two read me files (for end-users, and for admins/developers who want to customize the tool).
An audio/video overview of the Cataloging Tool is available in our fourth training module, PBCore 104 at
From within the Cataloging Tool, each metadata field is accompanied by a direct hyperlink to its definition and guidelines for usage in the PBCore User Guide.
The PBCore Team wishes to offer its appreciation and gratitude to those who made this possible:
– to Paul Burrows at KUED Media Solutions/University of Utah and Dave MacCarn at WGBH: for helping to research available tools and determining that our available resources were best applied in building our own tool to serve the needs of public media
– to Kevin Carter and Dave MacCarn at WGBH for the many hours and care they invested in building this tool, and the thought-filled ways in which they sought to address as much of the beta feedback as possible
– to our beta testers: Geoff Freed/WGBH; Paul Burrows/KUED Media Solutions/University of Utah; Glenn Clatworthy and Julie Fenderson/PBS; Dave Rice/Democracy Now!; Regina Kammer and Michelle Futornick/Stanford University News Service; Cecilia Merkel/WPSU; Tom Cummings/WBGU; Kat Sripathy and Mary Ann Thyken/ITVS; and others who volunteered.
We believe we have addressed and implemented most — about 90% — of the feedback in this released version of the tool. Included in our report to the Corporation for Public Braodcasting is a list of suggested enhancements that will better serve known future needs of PBCore and its users.
The PBCore Users Group listserv (sign-up available at is a resource to support the PBCore community of practice — please share your questions, experiences and innovations.
Posted in Tools | Tagged cataloging, tool |